In 2010 Mrs. Ann Hoffer, wife of the late President Judge George E. Hoffer, created a scholarship fund that bears Judge Hoffer's name and is today administered through the Bar Foundation. Funded primarily with money directly from Ann Hoffer, the Foundation has provided over $41,000 in scholarship support to 14 students entering or continuing a college career. Each year, the Cumberland County Probation Office recommends a new incoming first-year student to the Scholarship Committee to receive a potential four-year award. If the Foundation Board approves, the award amount is sent directly to the College or University to offset tuition and other educational expenses. If the student continues to pursue their studies and meets the minimum grade levels set by the Foundation, the award will follow them for up to four years. Each year the recipients gather in Courtroom 3, Judge Hoffer's Courtroom, to be publicly acknowledged and to inform those in attendance concerning their educational journey and goals for the future as well as the impact the Scholarship has had on them.
Each calendar year, one or more deserving Cumberland County youth will be awarded a partial scholarship to pursue their education at an acceptable learning institution. Applications must be completed and submitted by interested children by contacting the Cumberland County Juvenile Probation Officer they are currently working with or have worked with in the past and completing the scholarship application in full by May 1st of the corresponding school year. The applications will be reviewed by the Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, one designated line staff probation officer, and the Juvenile Court Judge. The applications will be reviewed and approved by the CCBF Board of Trustees. The award winner will be chosen by July 1st, and the announcement will be made in an award presentation ceremony before the commencement of the fall school semester. The award will be sent directly to the institution of learning once the student has been accepted and shows an open account with the school business office. The Scholarship (s) will be awarded on an annual basis, $1,000.00 for the first year, $2,000.00 for the second year, $3,000.00 for the third year, and $4,000.00 for the fourth year, for a maximum of four years throughout the award recipient's course of study, provided the award winner remains in good academic standing. Terms and conditions of The Honorable George E. Hoffer Scholarship Program include a yearly written report from the recipient to Ann Hoffer, widow of the late Honorable George E. Hoffer, former President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County, and a yearly review of the progress of the scholarship program by the Foundation's Hoffer Scholarship Committee to clarify any needed amendments to the program.
Available to all youth nominated by a Cumberland County Juvenile Probation Officer who have met the following criteria:
Check back as we will provide stories of our students that have benefitted from this scholarship.